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The Southern African Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases


Constitution of the Southern African Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases

  1. Name
    The society shall be called “The Southern African Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases” and herein after referred to as the Society.
  2. Liabilities
    The Society is a body corporate and is vested with all the powers and obligations required for achieving its objects
    1. No member of the Society shall by virtue of his membership have any claim to the assets of the Society.
    2. No member of the Society and no member of the council of the Society shall be liable for fulfilling any obligation or for settling any debts incurred by the Society.
  3. Objectives
    The objectives of the Society shall be:
    1. To advance the understanding of paediatric infectious diseases, related medical microbiology and virology.
    2. To promote the exchange of information relating to all aspects of paediatric infectious diseases, related medical microbiology and virology.
    3. To foster greater collaboration between the clinically and laboratory based divisions of the disciplines
    4. To promote the development and exchange of knowledge, information and ideas in support of the prevention and control of hospital and community associated paediatric infections
    5. To advise with regard to the training and maintenance of standards within the disciplines.
    6. To forge links with societies representing similar interests throughout the world.
  4. Membership
    Members of the Society shall consist of Honorary, Ordinary (Full) and Associate members.
    1. Honorary members. Any member of the Society, seconded by two other members of the Society, may nominate a person or persons for election as honorary members on the grounds of special contribution to paediatric infectious diseases or the Society. The council shall consider such nominations. Honorary membership is retained for life, and honorary members shall have the rights and privileges of members, but they shall not be required to pay any membership fees.
    2. Ordinary membership will be granted to paediatricians, medical practitioners, medical scientists, medical technologists, pharmacists and nurses who have made a contribution to or are involved in any way with the discipline of paediatric infectious diseases and who are registered with the Health Professional Council of South Africa or other equivalent bodies.
    3. Associate membership is offered to other interested parties such as members of pharmaceutical industry involved with aspects of infectious diseases and students who do not fully meet the criteria listed in 4.2.
  5. Officers and Transaction of Business
    The business of the Society shall be conducted by a council elected from ordinary members of the Society
    1. The council shall consist of the president, the vice-president, the secretary, the treasurer and two additional members one of whom shall be the immediate past-president. The council shall have the power to co-opt members should it be necessary.
    2. The president shall represent the Society at meetings of the Federation of Infectious Diseases Societies of Southern African (FIDSSA) and shall serve with one nominated member, on the council of FIDSSA.
    3. The president or nominated representative shall also represent the Society at meetings of the South African Paediatric Association as well as the World Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases.
    4. The council members shall be elected for a four (4) year term and may be eligible for re-election.
    5. Nominations for members of the council shall be made on nomination forms and shall reach the secretary two weeks before the general meeting. Each nomination shall bear the signature of at least two ordinary members as pro-poser and shall have been accepted in writing by the nominee. As an alternative, nominations and elections may take place at the general meeting of SASPID coinciding with the end of term of the existing Council.
    6. Election of officers shall be by majority vote of the full members of the Society present at the meeting when elections are scheduled.
    7. In the event of the death or resignation of a council member the council shall appoint a successor for the remainder of the term of office.
    8. If there should be a deadlock on any decision at a business, committee or meeting, the president will have a deliberative as well as a casting vote.
    9. Special meetings of the membership may be called by the president. The time and places may be determined by a majority vote of the council. Written or printed notice, stating the purpose, place and hour of any special meeting shall be sent to each member not less than 28 days before the date of such meeting. The same applies to business meetings of the Society.
    10. Quorum. Business meetings and special meetings of the membership of the Society. Ten (10) members present of whom at least two shall be council members.
    11. Executive committee: Three (3) members present of which one is the president or elected representative.
    12. No council member shall receive remuneration for services to the Society.
  6. Congress
    A biennial meeting of FIDSSA representing all the member societies including the Society, shall be held at least every two (2) years at a venue decided by consensus and will rotate amongst the major cities of South Africa.
    1. The city will be approved at the business meeting of FIDSSA and the date approved by the council of FIDSSA
    2. The program of this biennial meeting shall include:
      1. Scientific, instructional sessions and exhibits
      2. The biennial business meeting of the FIDSSA
      3. The biennial council meeting of the FIDSSA
      4. The biennial general meetings of the Society
    3. Local organizing committee (LOC):
      1. The arrangements for the biennial meeting of FIDSSA shall be made by a LOC that will be represented by the Society
      2. The Society to nominate two suitable candidates
      3. The LOC will elect a chairperson and shall have the power to co-opt any other members of the societies should it be necessary
      4. Most of the appointed members of the LOC should preferably reside in the same geographical area where the biennial meeting is scheduled to take place but is not mandatory
      5. The nominated members in conjunction with rest of the LOC members shall be responsible for decisions regarding the “theme of the congress”, academic programme including plenary topics and parallel sessions of paediatric infectious diseases, acceptance of applicable papers and social programme
      6. The council of FIDSSA, in conjunction with LOC, shall be responsible for decisions regarding the acceptance of the planning budget
      7. The event manager to arrange a congress launch cocktail party for pharmaceutical sponsors at least one year in advance
      8. The LOC and event coordinator shall be accountable and a short report, full financial statement and audited accounts shall be submitted for approval to the FIDSSA council within six (6) months of the conclusion of the meeting
    4. In addition to a joint congress with FIDSSA the Society may, at the discretion of the council, participate in other congresses with other interested societies or parties.
  7. Subscription, Dues and Funds
    The secretariat of FIDSSA will collect annual subscriptions on behalf of the Society. The subscription fee for membership of the Society (nurses or doctors) shall be determined by a majority vote of members at the biennial business meetings.
    1. Failure to pay subscriptions within a set period will render the member liable to loss of privileges
    2. Subscription fees shall be paid before the 1st July of each year for that calendar years membership
    3. The FIDSSA secretariat and treasurer will send out accounts to all members of the Society and will collect the dues on behalf of the Society
    4. Honorary members shall be exempt from dues
    5. Membership subscription funds to the Society shall be deposited in the joint bank account of FIDSSA in a recognized financial institution
    6. Grants and Endowments: The FIDSSA council is authorized to accept in the name of the Federation or the Society, any grants or endowments which are designated for administration and use by FIDSSA or the Society, provided that the purpose of such grants and endowments is, in the judgment of the FIDSSA council, consistent with the objectives and purposes of the Federation or the Society
    7. The subscriptions, grants and endowments shall be allocated to the Society and expended, subject to the control of the council of the Society
    8. The FIDSSA council is empowered to invest the capital of the Society as they consider advisable but otherwise, as stated in article 7.7, have no financial control over the funds of the Society
    9. The FIDSSA treasurer shall present an audited financial report on the financial status of the Federation and the Society at the biennial council and business meetings of the Federation
    10. Depending on the generation of profit at the bi-annual FIDSSA congress, the Society maybe requested to contribute an annual fee payable towards the Federation to cover:
      1. Printing costs of the Journal referred to in article 8, as well as an annual honorarium payable for secretarial services provided to manage the Journal
      2. Salary of the secretariat
      3. After ratification and endorsement by the FIDSSA council of the extent of the contribution, above payments to be divided in equal proportions amongst the societies
  8. Journal
    The official journal of the Society is The Southern African Journal of Epidemiology and Infection:
    1. The journal will be published and distributed to all members of the Society on a quarterly basis
    2. The editorial board will be representative of the Society and the Society will nominate two members to the editorial board in liaison with the editor-in-chief
    3. A subcommittee of the editorial board will be appointed to assist inexperienced members of the Society, in preparing relevant papers that are of the required standard for submission and approval
  9. Amendments to Constitution
    Any amendments to the constitution of the Society will be dealt with as follows:
    1. Amendments shall first be submitted in writing to the secretary for consideration by the council
    2. Thereafter the proposed changes together with the council’s recommendations shall be circulated to all members of the Society at least one (1) month before the biennial business meeting of the Society
    3. A two-thirds majority vote of those present at the business meeting of the Society will be required for adoption of the proposed amendments
  10. Database
    The Federation secretariat to keep and maintain a separate database of members of the Society:
    1. The FIDSSA database is not for distribution unless for bona fide Society purposes
    2. Any request for details that are received such as suitable advertisements, position and vacancies should be vetted by the council of the Society
    3. For pharmaceutical requests if accepted by council, a quote should be provided with a charge to the Society
  11. Legal Personality
    The Society is a legal entity that exists independent of its members, has perpetual legal succession, regardless of the variation of membership and is a non-profit making organization:
    1. The Society can act as a defendant or plaintive in any competent court
    2. The Society can obtain, retain or expropriate its own assets and can deal with them and can undertake its own obligations
    3. These assets and liabilities are independent of each individual member’s assets and liabilities
  12. Dissolution
    In the event of the Society being dissolved the remaining assets shall be paid to a non-profit organization devoted to medical research to be designated by the council of the Society at the time of dissolution